General Information
Additional Information
Helping our Children Thrive
Independent Study
If you will be going out of town or your student is sick for 3 or more days, you can request short-term home study. The maximum number of days a student can be on short-term study is 14 day. Please call the school office to arrange this for your student - the office will communicate with the teacher to get a homework packet, and will then call you to come pick it up, as there will also be a form you need to sign.
Visitor Information
Visitor and Classroom Observation Policy
Parents are welcome to visit our school throughout the year. District policy requires that all visitors report to the school office in order to secure a visitor’s pass prior to each visitation. School staff has been instructed to ask to see the pass from anyone on campus if the visitor’s pass is not readily visible. If there is no pass, the visitor will be directed to the office. If you would like to talk with your child’s teacher, please make an appointment for a time before or after school when you can both talk freely. Email is generally the best way to contact your child’s teacher. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to interrupt class time during the school day.
In accordance with the MDUSD Board Policy 1250, we are committed to working with our parents to ensure they have access to their child’s educational program. This right is afforded to parents as long as the observations can be done in such a way that ensures the safety of all the children in the program and in a way that does not cause an undue interference in the instruction process. Our goal is to work collaboratively with parents while providing students, staff, and administration the safe and effective learning environment they deserve. To minimize distractions to learning, observations will be kept to 30 minutes with a maximum of three observations per year unless mutually agreed upon by the principal and parent. Please note that observers must be accompanied by the principal, vice-principal or principal’s designee. Appointments may be made through the office by contacting 925-458-2606.
We love your pets and most of our staff have pets of their own. However, sometimes dogs leave messes, sometimes children are frightened or allergic, and sometimes dogs do not like other dogs or strangers, so for the safety and comfort of students, staff, parents, and other campus visitors, please do not bring your dogs or other pets on campus during school hours. If you must bring your pet to pick up or drop off your student, please leave your dog in the car or request an arrangement with the school office. Thank you for your willingness to ensure everyone's comfort and safety.
Student/Parent Handbook
The Student/Parent Handbook is a resource for Bel Air students and parents to successfully navigate through the school year.
View the Handbook in English and Spanish.
Click here for MDUSD Board Policies regarding volunteers.
Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy
Bel Air Elementary School has developed a written Title I parental involvement policy with input from Title I parents. The policy has been shared through School Site Council, ELAC and PTA. Bel Air’s policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements.
[Title I Parental Involvement, 20 USC 6318(a)-(f)]
1. Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program
Bel Air Elementary convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students of Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I program. In order to maximize parent involvement, this meeting is held in conjunction with our Back to School Night and the information is presented in both Spanish and English. Parents are invited to attend through School Messenger, letters/fliers home, posted fliers on campus, newsletters, marquee display and personal invitations. Content of the meeting includes:
- A Power Point presentation in which test scores and plans for improvement are shared.
- An explanation of sanction requirements.
- Opportunities to ask questions regarding school improvement plans.
- An invitation to become involved in Site Council, ELAC and/or PTA.
Bel Air offers a flexible number of meetings and family/community events. Families are encouraged and reminded to attend through newsletters, posters, School Messenger, marquee display. Materials and information are provided in both Spanish and English at all meetings. These events include:
- Afternoon School Site Council Meetings
- Afternoon ELAC Meetings
- Family Entertainment Nights
- Annual Back to School Night
- Annual Open House
- Annual Title 1 Meeting
- Parent Workshops
- Family Support Team Meetings
- 504 Meetings
- IEP Meetings
- SART Meetings
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Fall Social (Ice Cream Social or BBQ)
- Annual Perfect Attendance Family Luncheon/Dinner
Bel Air involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of its Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy
- Regularly scheduled School Site Council discussions about test results, instructional programs, monitoring of the Single Plan for Student Achievement and School Improvement Grant, and related budgets.
- ELAC Meetings to give input on the ELD Program and Services
Bel Air provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs through:
- Monthly newsletters
- ParentSquare
- Contact in dual languages
- Signage in front of the school
- Parent Liaisons
- ELAC Meetings
- School Site Council Meetings
- PTA Meetings
- Title I Parent Night
Bel Air provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet through:
- Back-to-School/Title I Night
- ELAC Meetings (CELDT data, ELD Program Descriptions)
- PTA Meetings
- School Site Council Meetings
- Bilingual Report Cards
- Open House
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- IEP Meetings
- FST Meetings
- Access to textbooks and other instructional resources
- Curriculum Associates Progress Letters
- Classroom/Grade Level/School Newsletters
Bel Air provides parents of Title I students, if requested, with opportunities for regular meetings to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children, such as:
- School Site Council -- monthly
- Back to School/Title I Information Night
- Open House
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Family Literacy / Math nights
- PTA – monthly
- IEPs – at least once a year for students with disabilities
- 504 meetings
- FST Meetings
- SART Meetings
2. School-Parent Compact
Bel Air Elementary jointly developed and will distribute to parents of Title I students a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It also describes how the school and parents will develop a partnership to help children reach proficiency on the California content standards. The school-parent compact describes the following items in addition to items added by parents of Title I students:
- The school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
- The parents’ responsibility to support their children’s learning.
- The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at least, annual conferences, reports on student progress, access to staff, and opportunities to volunteer and participate in and observe the educational program.
Parent input regarding the content of the compact was gathered at School Site Council, ELAC and PTA meetings. The compact is shared with parents at Back-to-School Nights and/or parent-teacher conferences.
3. Building Capacity for Involvement
Bel Air Elementary engages Title I parents in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school does the following:
- Assists Title I parents in understanding academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children.
- Reviews assessment results and achievement goals during SSC Meetings.
- Shares grade level standards, adopted curriculum and STAR results at Back to School/Title I Parent Night
- Offers Parent Workshops addressing the topics such as homework, academic activities, nutrition, etc.
- Offers an annual Open House event to highlight student work.
- Offers Parent-Teacher Conferences annually and upon request.
- Shares current information regarding achievement and programs through classroom and school-wide newsletters.
- Offers participation in the ELAC.
- Opportunities for community building (i.e. Movie Nights, Literacy/Math Nights, Social Events, Annual Campus Beautification Event)
Provides materials and training to help Title I parents work with their children to improve their children's achievement.
- Partnership with Adult Education to offer Co-op Preschool and Adult ESL on campus.
- Literacy nights to teach parents how to develop literacy in the home; parents and students working together to make student books
- Family Math Nights
- Parent Workshops
- All materials sent home translated into Spanish
- Providing translators for all meetings (Note: an interpretation system is to be purchased this year to assist with services)
- Home visits
Educates staff, with the assistance of Title I parents, in the value of parent contributions and how to work with parents as equal partners.
- Staff and parents participate together on our SSC, ELAC and PTA.
- Parent input (concerns, suggestions, etc.) is gathered on a variety of topics at all regular meetings throughout the year.
- As part of our school-wide Climate Team, a parent/community sub-committee implements an action plan throughout the year with a focus on promoting partnerships between the school and the parent community.
Coordinates and integrates the Title I parental involvement program with other programs and conducts other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
- Preschool program
- Adult ESL Literacy classes
- Home visits
- Parent Ed Workshops
- Classroom volunteerism
- Parent Nights and Conferences
- Parent Involvement Incentive Program
Distributes to Title I parents information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities in a form and language that the parents understand.
- All correspondence in dual language
- Standards based report cards
- Progress reports
- Assessment results
- Newsletters – monthly or weekly
- Schoolwide and classroom
- Parent / Teacher / Student Compact
- School Messenger
- Marquee
- Field Trip Permission Forms
Provides support for parental involvement activities requested by Title I parents.
- All communication provided in English and Spanish
- Bilingual parent community liaison
- Bilingual administrator
- Parent Ed Workshops
- Family Literacy/Numeracy Nights
- Bilingual translators for parent conferencing
- Parent Education Classes
- Training in the standards and expectations from grade to grade
4. Accessibility
Bel Air provides opportunities for all Title I parents to participate, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. This includes providing information and school reports in a form and language parents understand.
- Newsletters
- Parent/Family Committee
- Parent Compact
- ParentSquare
- Parent Education Meetings
- All communication provided in English and Spanish
- School-wide Rules and Expectations in English and Spanish